
Schema generale di una possibile applicazione per gas, riscaldamento, carburante e produzione di elettricità dall'elaborazione di materie prime

L'impianto di pirolisi PIROTEX per mantenere le operazioni delle apparecchiature Dispositivo di ribaltamento idraulico per crogioli da scaricare Nastro trasportatore con separatore magnetico Setaccio oscillante Pyro-olio (olio sintetico) Carbonio-contenente residuo Circuito metallico Gas Benzina Diesel Mazut MINI RAFFINERIA DI OLIO La linea KONSTANTA per la produzione di carbone nero Il forno a tamburo KVARK-500 per l'attivazione di carbone residuo Impianto di articoli di gomma meccanica UGLAS-800 Generatore di gas
buying indepen- dently
Carbonio nero Articoli meccanici in gomma a basse prestazioni Olio assorbente  CARBONE ATTIVO
buying indepen- dently
Briquette di carbone Riscal
buying indepen- dently
buying indepen- dently
Bollitore Generatore di potenza diesel Generatore con pistone a gas Riscal-
Vapore Potenza elettrica

When making a decision about the purchase of the equipment for recycling and utilization, the main question the Customer asks himself is where and how to sell the obtained products. Technokomplex presents the scheme of possible equipment application based on the Pirotex pyrolysis plant. The scheme can answer this and some other issues, but mainly it describes the methods of electric energy, fuel, gas and heat production from the processed products.

In case of the Pirotex pyrolysis plant the feedstock is scrap tires, mechanical rubber goods, plastics, waste oil and oil sludge. The feedstock is loaded into crucibles, that, in their turn, are loaded into pyrolysis furnace. During the pyrolysis reaction the synthetic oil is delivered into storage tank and gas is sent to support the equipment operation. After carbon-containing residue and metal wiring are cooled down the hydraulic tipping device unloads it to the vibrating sieve and conveyor belt, where carbon is cleaned from metal inclusions by the magnetic separator.

Some Customers consider this stage is enough and search for their own ways of selling the obtained products. For example, synthetic oil can be used in the boiler unit. In fact, the equipment manufacturer, the Zhelezno group of companies, has developed special nozzles for this aim.

ОStill the Techokomplex company offers several types of equipment for further processing of the obtained products to increase their marketable characteristics. This equipment include:
- Mini oil refinery,
- the Konstanta line for processing of carbon,
- The KVARK-500 drum furnace for gas-vapour activation of the carbon-containing feedstock,
- The UGLAS-800 gas generator.

Mini oil refinery serves for processing of synthetic oil into benzine, diesel and mazut fractions.It is not a problem to find a market for benzine, mazut can be used in boiler units to produce heat and Vapore and diesel is applicable to diesel power generator for electricity production. IMPORTANT: Technokomplex does not offer power generators. The Customer should purchase this product independently.

The Konstanta line for processing of carbon provides production of carbon black that can be used in low-duty mechanical rubber products.

The KVARK-500 drum furnace is used for heating of carbon-containing residue in gas-vapour environment at high temperatures. As a result sorbent and active coal of sorption properties are obtained.

The UGLAS-800 gas generator serves for gas production from fuel briquettes. The small fraction of carbon-containing residue does not fit to gas generator, that is why briquette-making machine becomes necessary. The output is heat and gas. Gas can be used in gas-piston generator for electricity production. IMPORTANT: Technokomplex does not offer power generators. The Customer should purchase this product independently.

This is how the mentioned above equipment helps to produce electric energy, gas and heat from processing of scrap tires, mechanical rubber goods, plastics, waste oil and oil sludge.